Adult Adoptions

If a Louisiana born adult is adopted in Louisiana by an Authentic Act of Adoption (Notarial Adoption), it must be recorded and filed with the parish Clerk of Court. A certified copy of an Adoption decree or a certified copy of the Authentic Act of Adoption must be forwarded to Vital Records by the Clerk of Court, the adopted adult, the adoptive parent, or their attorney. A copy of the adult's original birth certificate must be submitted with the request.
A Vital Records adoptions case manager will prepare a new birth certificate and mail it to the requestor for the adoptive parent's signature. An adult adoption completed in Louisiana will only change the person's name on their birth certificate. The parentage information on the birth certificate remains the same.
If a Louisiana born adult is adopted in another state, the court normally forwards a certified Adoption Report or a certified Adoption Decree to Vital Records. If the court does not send the information to Vital Records, the adoptive parent, the adopted adult, or the attorney can submit a certified copy of the Adoption Decree, and the adult's original birth certificate to request a new birth certificate. A Vital Records case manager will contact the requestor if all the necessary information and fees are not received to complete a new birth certificate.
NOTE: Louisiana law requires the District Attorney's involvement for any adult (age 18 and older) name change. The adopted adult must obtain an affidavit from their local District Attorney stating there is no objection to the name change. The notarized affidavit must be submitted with all requests for a new birth certificate after an adult adoption.