Buying Or Selling A Used Vehicle With A Notary's Help

The Transaction:
When utilizing a Notary Public for buying or selling a Used Vehicle, you can expect the following sequence of steps as the Notary helps facilitate the transfer of title between Buyer and Seller:
Prior To Arrival:
Refrain from writing or entering anything on the back of Title (In particular, do not sign the Title outside of a Notary’s presence).
Also, remember the Buyer and Seller both need to bring valid IDs.
Upon Arrival:
Notary verifies ID’s
Notary drafts a Bill Of Sale, and fills in the back of the Title
Buyer and Seller sign both documents - Notary signs and stamps both documents
Seller removes license plate
After Leaving The Notary’s Office:
Buyer brings Notarized Title and Bill of Sale to DMV to obtain a new License Plate and have new Title issued
Seller must remember to turn the license plate into the DMV, as the return of the plate serves as notification that the Seller is no longer the owner